Hydramata Sprint 1 Update


There have been some changes to CurateND since it is in beta. CurateND is deployed from the master branch in the CurateND github repository. As bugs or changes have surfaced the team at Notre Dame will commit them to Curate as long as they makes sense as engine-level functionality. There are some stopgap features, such filtering the Work types that are available to users, that have been kept at the application-level when they serve ND-specific integration needs.

Rajesh has been working on two projects that will be batch ingesting Works into CurateND. He is migrating finding aid management for our Department of Rare Books and Special Collections and ETDs from our legacy ETD system into CurateND. The ETD migration will use the ETD Work type defined in Curate.

Curate does not support batch ingest. To address this Rajesh is transforming the data from the the legacy system to Don’s Raw Object Format. ROF can be used to batch-create Fedora objects. (NOTE: The Fedora objects will be created without their Solr document counterparts. Don and Banu are exploring different facets to this batch indexing problem.)

Rajesh is making good progress in both projects. Each case requires a corresponding Work type and presentation strategy. Although this is possible in Curate there is significant overhead. Hydramata will hopefully address this.


Notre Dame has forked Curate in order to have a stable foundation for the CurateND beta launch. The updates made to Curate are being committed to the “curate-nd-beta” branch. We want the Notre Dame fork of Curate to stay in sync with the upstream Curate repository. During the next sprint, which starts the week of 2014-07-07, the changes made since May 17th will be reconciled between the Notre Dame fork and Curate proper.


Jeremy has been working on the first of the Hydramata components: Hydramata::Work. The README articulates high-level and low-level tasks in its development and their respective status. At this point the groundwork has been laid for other developers to work in consort with Jeremy.

The Digital Library Technology Unit (DLT) at Notre Dame will be working with a front-end developer from another unit in the Notre Dame library during the course of CurateND development. He will start by defining the HTML generated by the in-memory objects marshaled in the core of Hydramata::Work. This task handoff will serve as the pattern for future work delegation between our teams. As that process improves it will serve as a basis for how SWARM tasks will be articulated. There will not be any SWARM tasks for at least the next two sprints. There will be 2–4 weeks advanced notice given for any developer commitments from other partner institutions.

Roadmap Update

Hydramata Roadmap

The components in blue are in progress.

Issue Status

After much deliberation the DLT team at Notre Dame has decided to track Hydramata development tasks in the ND library JIRA. Keeping issues in our local JIRA will increase our capacity by improving our ability to collaborate with other units at ND. You can view the issues on our current sprint. There is filter to restrict the sprint view to only Hydramata tasks.

SWARM tasks will be mirrored on the DuraSpace JIRA. Other tasks can be mirrored there if there is a fortuitous alignment of need and desire. Chris reached out to DuraSpace to see if they would allow linking our two JIRA instances but they declined. If there is interest DLT would be happy to explore JIRA linking or other methods of issue syndication with other institutions.