Hydramata Sprint 2 Update

Capacity was decreased in sprint two due to vacation and training for several members of the team.


Rajesh is continuing to work on replacing our legacy ETD system with CurateND.


Jeremy is continuing to work on Hydramata Works. The primary repo has been moved to the ndlib github organization. The repository will be moved to the hydramata github organization once its initial development is complete.

Jeremy has written a lot about what Hydramata is trying to accomplish:

Dan is drafting a document that articulates the differences in design philosophy between Hydramata and Hydra Head. He is also revising the Hydramata “vision” document to address the feedback from the last PO/PD meeting.

Roadmap Update

There is no change in which components are in progress since our last update.

Issue Status

No SWARM issues have been prepared for the next sprint. The team at Notre Dame will continue ongoing development.